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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Off to Shanghai - Banff, Alberta is a fantastic place to have a wedding...

I'll be there for 10 days. Mostly work, but it will be fun meeting the guys and gals from our remote office. I will try to blog about my experiences from there.

I also just flew back from Banff Alberta from a super fun wedding trip. See Van's blog for the details - http://vanessa_au.blogspot.com/

Congrats to Sheldon and Tasha on pulling off an awesome wedding!! more pix to follow.

The glutonous amounts of buffet, fondue and chocolate fountains at this little mountain town is a heck of a great vacation spot if you need to get away for a few days. Treat yourself to a hotsprings soaking and you'll be ready to tackle the world (although you will smell like fart for a bit).

At this fondue restaurant called the Grizzly, I ate rattlesnake, shark, frog, gator, buffalo, venison, boar, and ostrich. All of which were cooked over hot rocks in herb butter. Most of it were bite sized morsels but I figure I wouldn't have the chance to eat all of the above at a single sitting.

Sore points: I got a speeding ticket 5 minutes out of the airport. I was doing 91KM/h in a 60 zone when a cop jumped out after hitting me with a blast of radar. He was nice to cut it down to 70 which reduced my fine to $98 Canadian +$9 onling payment fee. The sick part is that the day before I just finished traffic school and wrote a test from a previous speeding ticket. Even worse, I got a $40 parking ticket the night before in San Fran (bullsh!t street cleaning at 12am).
So I figure I'll have good traffic karma for the next 3 years right?

Again, thanks to Shel and Tasha for a wonderful excuse to go to such a nice destination wedding.

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