Yo, Check this out...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Gummi bears defeat fingerprint sensors | The Register

Holy crap, this is sooo awesome. I was looking (not seriously) at biometrics where I ran into this article about a clever dude in japan was able to fool finger print devices 80% of the time.

Although the process is somewhat tedious, it only proves that there is always someone that can build a better mousetrap. If you saw last episode of 24, some poor bastard got his thumb clipped off so that the evil guy could go through a secured door. Hmmmm Japanese guy's clever gummy bear trick = a few hours -- garden shears = 30 seconds.

I have a palm scanner at the data center where we keep my companies production systems. I've alerted my team that in the event I am missing my right hand, call security immediately.

Gummi bears defeat fingerprint sensors The Register


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